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Showing posts from October, 2017

Smoothwall Express 3.0 with Multiple NAT

This is a must have for any Smoothwall Express Setup. This mod gives you full control of your interfaces including multiple IP addresses, ports and mac control: The mod gives ultimate control with the following: 1.    Specify origin source IP/Network 2.    Specify the origin/destination ports to be open for your specific IP/Network e.g. Open access for the IP on port 57 to your IP on port 22 To install the mod simply run the following from command line: 1.   wget 2.   sh ./ **NOTE: Smoothwall Express 3.0 should be up to and including update 9 – Maintenance > Updates. Log back into the Smoothwall GUI and you will now see the Full Firewall Control interface. control ,  full firewall ,  mod ,  port forwarding ,  smoothwall For further reading...

Lenovo Ideapad V310-15ISK Wi-Fi issue on Ubuntu/fedora/CentOS

Go to terminal and RUN below command You can also copy & paste the below line on command prompt: # sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ideapad.conf <<< "blacklist ideapad_laptop" # reboot. Link: