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Opensource IT Asset & Help desk Management System

ecently, I installed a

GLPI, which stands for Gestion Libre De Parc Informatique, is a web-based LAMP stack application for inventory management, job tracking, equipment reservations, and basic network topology information. Unlike many equivalent proprietary tools, GLPI does not require a local client application; instead, it operates through a simple and flexible web interface.
You can use it to build up a database with an inventory for your company (computer, software, printers...). It has enhanced functions to make the daily life for the administrators easier, like a job-tracking-system with mail-notification and methods to build a database with basic information about your network-topology.
The principal functionalities of the application are:
1) The precise inventory of all the technical resources. All their characteristics will be stored in a database.
2) Management and the history of the maintenance actions and the bound procedures. This application is dynamic and is directly connected to the users who can post requests to the technicians. An interface thus authorizes the latter with if required preventing the service of maintenance and indexing a problem encountered with one of the technical resources to which they have access.

(A)Step By Step GLPI Installation Guide for linux

1) Working Apache server
2) Working Mysql Server
3) Latest version of GLPI
Step by Step Installation

1) Mysql configuration

Login to mysql server through shell (or webmin). Create database glpidb
db name - glpidb, username - glpiuser , password – glpipwd

#mysql -u root -p ( enter the mysql root password)
mysql> create database glpidb;
mysql> grant all privileges on glpidb.* to glpiuser@localhost identified by 'glpipwd';
mysql> exit

If you are ruining apache and mysql in different servers, you have to use glpiuser@apacheserverip

2)GLPI installation
Login to apache server host through shell
Download the latest glpi archive
Un tar glpi-0.72.4.tar.gz in the web root directory
#tar -xvzf glpi-0.72.4.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/
#cd /var/www/html
#chown -R apache glpi

Add dns engry for your support website ( to (replace with your ip) )
If you don't have dns server, you can use the ip directly 

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following configurations

< VirtualHost* >
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/glpi
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [F]
    < Directory "/var/www/html/glpi"  >
        DirectoryIndex index.php
    < /Directory >
Options ExecCGI
< /VirtualHost >

Or add alias for this glpi directory

Restart apache server

#service httpd restart
Browse your support url  or ip (from remote computer)
for directory access use ( from local host http://localhost/glpi)

Click on Installation button 

Click Continue

Enter the Mysql user name password details and continue
host - mysqlserverip (localhost)
User Name= glpiuser
Password = glpipwd
Step 2 
Select the database glpi form the shown list and continue

Admin user name - glpi , password – glpi


GLPI email notification configuration

If you have working smtp server, user the below configuration
Login to glpi web interface as admin user
go to setup -> notifications ->setup and enter your configurations

Use Email Follow-ups - yes
Administrator Email        -
Email Signature           - IT Department
Add a link to GLPI in emails - yes
Base URL used -
Use a SMTP server to send emails  - SMTP (select relevant config)
SMTP Host  - your mail server ip
SMTP Login (optional)  - user (If smtp auth is enabled for your server requires use proper mail user. Leave blank if no authentication required)
SMTP Password (optional) - mailpassword

Notification and Alarms options can be default.


If you want to see online DEMO, please click on below link:  

Some functionality is unavailable due to security issues (user’s management, password changes, database backup and restore...) Nevertheless, that should enable you to have an outline of what is GLPI.
For the administator login :
Login : admin_en 
Pass : admin
For the normal login (no attribution of tasks):
Login : normal_en 
Pass : normal
For the post-only login :

Login : post-only_en
Pass : postonly

You could try GLPI and use the Forum to give us your opinion.

Please Click on:


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